
Something about being minutes away from the local farm just makes me happy! Last week I went up to La Nay Ferme to pick up my share of produce. I was so excited with what was in this weeks share! There is nothing more I love than a light summer dinner loaded with fresh veggies. Plus, all of that beautiful arugula & mixed greens I was so excited for the endless possibilities of salads for lunch... and dinner! I knew I would for sure be making salsa with the tomatoes, peppers & cilantro. I have recently enjoyed cooking with basil & have loved its flavor. Local produce just makes cooking that much more fun, plus it tastes amazing!! I can't wait to share with you what I make.
1 comment
Ash, I don't know if you've used your eggplant yet, but I just got one at the farmers market this week and ended up covering it with garlic/parm/s&p/olive oil then grilling it. TO. DIE. FOR.
If you come up with something delicious - def share with me!
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