a BOOT on Ken's car :(

So we call the lovely UNIVERSITy ppl and they come come after 45 min or so and take it off... after Ken pays a lovely fee. We talk for a bit then I am sleepy and am ready to go home, so brigs and I hop in my car and head back to SUB-Zero to take him to his car... As we drive in the parking lot I say,"Brigs where did you park?"... and hes like "um..there?"...and I say, "Where?" (no car to be seen). At his point we both start to be freaking out and wonder where in the world is his car? Did someone brake into it and steal it? Then we wonder.. did they Tow it? ..oh dear. So we call our friend that just got the boot, get the number, and they had it down at the impoundment. BOO.
(brigs and I infront of the impoundment)

So we go in and the guy gets the paperwork or whatever he has to do.. and $120 dolla dolla bills later we went to find his car amoung all the others (oh and the guy took off 10 dollars since we came so quickly after it had been towed. Generous eh? ha) Oh what a night.. So by the time we get done at the impoundment, it's around 1:30 im the morning... I'm dead sleepy. I look down, and what am I wearing? PURPLE. hahaha. Oh My. I would be. The curse strikes again.....
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