and came across this.

oh the good old days.
i miss them.
they were simple.
simple as..
school from 7:30-12:30
work from 1-3:30
drill 4:30-6:30
more classes 6:30-8:30
drill meetings/eat
library til 11:00
play play play
sleep from 4 am til 7
throw in a football/basketball game to perform at.
study some more.
play some more.
didn't have to think what i was going to do.
it was the same every day.
and i loved it.
ya know how missionaries say "it was the best two years"
these were my "best two years" so far ;)...
This makes me sad! :( For sure the best 2 years. It is crazy how happy you can be with where you are in life and still miss the past like crazy.
I miss the past as well! I love that pic of you, you looked so cute.. and you still do, lol :)
Hey remember when we went to Youth Conference there....Life was simpler back then...even for me!
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