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November 16, 2010

#16 i am thankful for..

today i am thankful for..

this lady.

also known as my 
best friend.

i srsly don't know what i would do with out her.
she is my better half ash.
we have been through thick and thin together.
she has always been my backbone and helped me through everything.
i am so blessed to have her as my bffe.
she always lifts me up when i am feeling down.
makes me laugh.
puts things in a new perspective.
we laugh
we joke 
we cry.
at times we may get sick of each other i'm sure,
but i am so thankful that we always see eye to eye on everything.
we can read each others minds.
and i am blessed to have her as a best friend.

we love to goof off.
sing loud.
laugh til we cry.
stay up late.
eat out.
be lazy.

and our first pic together.
 how funny is that?
i laugh out loud
every time i see it.

love you ash.


1 comment

ashley.warner said...

we have funny photos together!
i luff you lots! :)
thanks for being my bffe!


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