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November 28, 2010

#26, #27, #28 i am thankful for..

i am thankful for
i as mentioned before am a total avid journal writer.
today i went back and read an old journal. it's a beautiful thing.
for me it is a way to get things on paper so they are not on my mind so i can sleep.
a way to express. a way to remember.
i think that journal writing is so important. I love  how you can reflect back to who you were, who you were with, your train of thought etc.
Not only that but what a blessing to go back realize you have overcome hardships, trials, and just changed as a person {hopefully for the good :), or accomplished a great task or goal you had set for yourself.
I love as i read old entries i can close my eyes a picture exactly what was going on because i am pretty descriptive. I can feel those feelings i felt. remember those smells. Re-live those great memories. Or learn from the mistakes i have made. I could go on and on. but i have such a love for journal writing. I think it brings you closers to yourself {yes that sounds a little weird} but so it gets you in tune with the person you want to become.

i am also thankful for
fathers blessings
and the Priesthood. 
what a blessing and wonderful experience
 when in need of comfort and help from my Heavenly Father.

i am thankful for
sounds kind of silly.
but srsly! i love quotes.
they inspire me A LOT.
to think differently.
they give me a whole new incite on everything.
i have so many faves.
love love love them.


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