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November 24, 2010


Four Shows I watch:
1. Grey's anatomy
3. F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Four Things I'm Passionate About:
1. My Religion
2.My Family
3. My Friends
4. My photography

Four Phrases I Say A Lot:
1. Anything with LoVE (love you, i just love that, loves!, hi love)
2."Really though?"
3."are you serious"
4."did that really just happen?"

Four Things I've Learned from the Past:
1.You never know who's watching you so always be the best YOU.
2.Never take for granted whats right in front of you, you never know how lucky you are til' it's gone.
3.Treat other how you want to be treated, you never know what someone else is going through.
4.As much as you hate to admit is sometimes you are exactly like your parents. so LISTEN to them. they are usually right & know whats best for you :)

Four Places I Would Like to Go:
3. Caribbean Cruise

Four Things I Did Yesterday:
1.Worked (it was my Friday yay!)
2.Hung out with Nas. I have missed her!
3.Went for a long drive with Klee + Jar and got hot chocolate!
4.Took a nap

Four Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. Thanksgiving tomorrow with the fam!
2.Going out with Nas and Em tonight!
3.Finishing my Bachelor degree!!
4.Meeting that certain someone.

Four Things I Love About Winter:
1.Christmas Music!
2.The smells (candles, berry's, Christmas trees, food etc)
3.How beautiful the mountains are.
4.Get togethers (family, drill girls, friends)

Four Things on My Wish List:
1.New Lens for my camera
2.Nike High tops

Four People I Tag:
1. Ash Att
4.Sam Sands

missing the warm sun,
but loving the beautiful snow.

have a happy day everyone.


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