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May 22, 2011

vegas 2011 part uno

 picture overload.

vegas baby!
{05/13-15 2011}
my friend lou lou as i like to call her is from vegas & was getting married- so i thought what better excuse to take a day off and have a mini road trip! 
my friend kati agreed to come with me. i mean come on who doesn't want a day off? and a fun weekend in vegas :)
we drove down friday morning, stopped in the lovely for lunch and pedi's. it was nice just to take our dear sweet time. then we chilled at our hotel for a few hours and were just lazy. 
then we got ready for the night and met the bride and some friends at cheesecake factory. it was so fun to catch up with linz and other girls i used to work with! we were all crying we were laughing so hard. the waiter was so funny when i asked if he would take a picture for us, lo and behold he just took a picture of himself. then i had to beg for him to take a picture of our table! don't you love funny waiters? since kati had never been on the rides on the stratosphere we headed on over! we were both screaming at the top of our lungs. then we headed back to the hotel to get some sleep before the wedding :)

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