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June 2, 2011


join me in doing kendi's 30/30 re-mix this month
it takes will power.
a little planning.
and thought.

oh, and if you don't know what this
whole 30/30 buisness is about.
click here!

to sum it up:

1. Take 30 items in your closet.
2. Make 30 outfits.
3. Wear them.

the purpose:
to use what you have in your closet.
making it work.
no more buying a new shirt just because you have a date.
shop from your closet.

meet my first outfit.

{old navy white cardigan, target maxi dress, belt-nordstrom}
i'm super excited that
two of my friends and my sis is
joining in this with me!
it makes it all the morefun.

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