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June 7, 2011

the one where i rode a tandem

have you ever rode a tandem bike?

if you ever do i can promise that
 you will learn a few things:

-you will learn to crash into a fence after a sharp corner
-you will learn to work as a team
-you will learn to laugh for two hours straight
-you will learn to take a whistle as a compliment
-you will learn to love going down hill
-you will learn to be glad you wore a helmet
-you will learn to never wear flip flops will biking for an extended period of time
-you will learn to never get a pedicure the day before
-you will learn to bring water with you when you go
-you will learn that sidewalks are your friends

sometimes sam and i are really random.
and we do the funniest things.
and now tandem biking will join our list of random things.

cross that one off the summer bucket list!


Samantha said...

good times :)

Kylee said...

So fun! And darling pictures! Where did you get the bike? I'm totally adding that to my summer bucket list!!


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