1. The best thing I did all week was sleep! Sounds so lame. But it's true. between running like a chicken with it's head cut off, everyday I look forward to hopping into bed and catching some zzz's.
2. F.R.I.E.N.D.S make me super happy. It can make my day so happy. And make me laugh.
3. Pets are so cute. But only if it's a dog or a fish. I really want a puppy!
4. My family, friends & the Gospel are the best things about my life.
5. With the cooler weather I am looking forward to driving up the canyon to look at all the pretty leaves!!!
6. Something that's on my "wish list" right now is new legging, a big over sized sweater, new boots, gold bracelets, knit skirt, & a deep red lip color. Okay i guess that was more than just "something" oh well, it's MY blog.
7. This weekend I am going to be busy!!! But i am going out with some of the girlies Friday after work yee haw! Then its work work work, edit edit edit, and homework. Also going to the RS broadcast with mi madre and sister!
Happy Weekend :)
I want a puppy too! I keep trying to convince the boyf to get me one.
sometimes sleep really is the best thing I do all week! totally understand that!!
{I've got a Kate Spade giveaway going on right now & would love to see you there! amyreneonline.com}
agreed :) i love dogs! And #4 is my fave!!
I'm on the hunt for some new and amazing fall leggings too. They're just the best! :)
I'd like to invite you to join in on my new little weekly Dear Monday / weekend highlights feature on H a p p y Day! I've never had a little link-up before so I thought I'd spread the word that it is posting tomorrow morning! :)
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