one of my best friends kaylie got married!! i cannot believe how fast august came and went. she was the most beautiful bride and i couldn't be more happy for she and danny. they got married in the salt take temple. had a very nice luncheon at the joseph smtih memorial building. and that night the reception was held at the provo library. it was a very classy wedding. i loved every minute of it. charlee and i hung out all day and had a blast! i got my makeup done at mac and was very pleased with it! as much as i love doing makeup sometimes it's just nice to be pampered :) i was so happy i didn't forget the bouquet (which i was obsessed with!) that morning. i was all stressed that i would forget. ha. i was beat by the end of the night. grabbed some chilis on the way home and popped in f.r.i.e.n.d.s. it was a great day! love you klee and danny!!
ps did i mention her dress was stellar. A-MAZING.
what's your favorite part of weddings!?
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