this weekend went a little like this//cut 4 inches my hairs//went back to my natural color//feels SO healthy//decorated christmas trees at work with the work girlies//indian food with friends//midnight cleaning with the roomies//late night/morning gas station runs & movie marathons//bridal showers//mash//took bridals//felt like i was in central park at memory grove with all the people walking their dogs//rushed back to orem then back up to the sl,ut//got new makeup//saw my college dance girlies//laughed a lot with them//cleaned out my purse and found $10//sister gave me a advent calendar and swedish christmas cookies//shopping with kati jo//obsessed with my lace skirt//visits from kate//had sam over or din din (recipe to come)//beautiful sunsets//phase ten with sam and jeffie//
one fabo weekend.

I love everything about this. Your hair looks great and life looked like it was wonderful this week!
And all your pictures...As always.
Love your hair! :)
Love the pics, love your hair, love your blog.... love everything haha.
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