I feel like I haven't blogged in a while...so a little update on me. Life is great...just busy. I love being back in school and feel really productive with my time. I love always having something to do and something to look forward to. I have been going to the library after work on Monday-Thursdays so I don't have to worry about homework during the weekend. It has been so nice! Hopefully I can keep that up! This past weekend I watched my brothers kids! I'll have to post some pictures when I get them loaded! They are adorable and say the cutest things! We watched Finding Nemo, I forgot how funny that movie is.I hung out with Ash for a bit afterward, we went and got shakes from our favorite place, Stans. Saturday night Courty and I watched the Miss American pageant..it was good, and all the talents were definatly interesting. Courty and I were both disappointed that Miss Flordia didn't win, because she was our favorite... but ya things are good.. I have been slacking at taking pictures lately, probably because not much has been going on (since i'm always at school or work!)... but here are some pictures I stole from Ash...
The girls and I decided that we are going to have a "GNI" (girls night in) once a month! Every month were going to rotate who's house we go to and then do an activity. This month we decided to order pizza and play rockband! I seriouslly love rockband. I wish I had it. We were really getting into it, and it felt like we were a real band! I love GNI's!

The boys hadn't been to Spoon Me since it opened while they were on there missions..so we went and they liked it!...
Whoever is playing those drums has bad form. She needs to come to my Rock Band clinic. Signups start this Saturday.
haha...I need some singing lessons as well. How much are you charging? :) ha
I miss you girl!!!
Thats so fun! My hubby and I are OBSESSED with rockband, I got to Hard level with the bass and guitar but then we stopped playing for a month and now suck again! I let my hubby sing because he is an amazing singer and I sound like a Donkey.. and I'm not exaggerating! I'm glad the boys liked spoon me! I have one right next to our place so I have to control my taste buds (as well as cafe rio, delicious!) LOL! We'll have to go together sometime!
i love to be married but sometimes i'm sad because i miss out on some fun times! get married DANGIT
Oh your life... always so full of fun stuff. I don't know how you do it. I miss you much and wish I could be playing with you and having fun crazy weekends with you. MWAH my child.
I still have never even tried Rock Band. I am a loser.
YAY!!!! I am so glad I found you! I am new to this whole blog thing so I have like no friends and I dont know to many people who have blogs! Love you Ash!
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