Its been three years since I graduated.(time has flown) Totally silly for me to blog about this but I was just thinking about that the other night and was thinking to all the fun times I had my senior year... Here are a lot of random pictures full of great memories. I lucked out with the BEST of friends in all the groups I hung around DRILLteam, SOULsistahs, MYboys, the usual crew of mand jar me and sammers...I miss all the good times of being busy with Drill (it was my life!) and worrying about what I was going to do on friday night. I totally miss waking up at 5 to be to practice at 5:30 to run and just all the Drill girls. I miss Treat friday, the dances, etc etc..... Enjoy the pics, they made me laugh! xoxo
Senior Recognition night..I lettered in Dance

Mand and I..typical weekend

Spring break in Vegas

Drill Competitions..oh dear.


Just a random dance pic

Games everyweekend.. all glittered up!

Bestie Sam before the homecoming game :)He was the reciever!

I could always be found with one of these girls

Timpsichorean all three years and Lettered in Dance :)

Spoke at Seminary Graduation!

Kickline Dresses..MY FAVE

LTP..(lazy third period) Jared,Manda,Sam and I all didn't have a third period so we went to Mandas house a few times a week for lunch :)


Random parties with the SOULS..

Prefie with my bestie Sammers

Chopped off my hair!

Senior Dinner Dance

I was on Drill Presidency as Historian.

Bus Rides to the football games

Sadies! Drill planned it every year.


BBALL games with the crew

SEGO LILY adventure.

Drill Practice 5:30 AM everymorning

Treat Friday EVERY friday at the craigs, followed by a nap before we went out for the night!

Lacrosse games to watch Micah

Hanging out at the Mall


1 comment
It is amazing that you look so young even though it was only 3 years ago! I remember you in high school always doin' stuff. My favorite picture is the first one since I am in it...just kidding! I love the dancing one where you are doing a weird back thingy!
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