We had a BBQ at my brothers for FHE/birthdays. Erika and I :)

Becky made me the CUTEST cuppycakes :) I loved them and how unique they were PLUS they were my favorite...RED VELVET! Thanks Beck!
Cooper took me to Chilis earlier in the week for my birthday!
Me and two of my Sisters after the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple Open house...IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!

The night before my birthday I had to say bye to Tate..:( This picture pretty much sums up how that went..we were BAWLING. I MISS YOU TATE! (Yes, I know, I know...I take pictures when crying...who just does that?..ME!)

THE DAY: WORK! The girls decorated my desk all cute and even took me out to lunch! I love my work girls so so much. They always make Birthdays so special. Love you girls!
Then we hit the Road! Here is me with Jen's fam on the way to Cali stopping at the one and the only IN n Out! nUMMY!!!
i heart roadtrips
Thanks for all of those who made my day so special :) I love Birthdays. I think what I love is just spending time with and hearing from those that you truly care about. Here is to another great year!!! xoxo
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