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November 21, 2010


dear sue,

you had a birthday yesterday.

i hope that it was fantastic.
thank you for always being a wonderful friend.
for making me laugh.

for growing up with me.
going through life together.
spending endless hours talking.
about boys.
our future.
 & decisions.

going on adventures.
singing dashboard songs over and over.
going to countless treat fridays.

meeting half way at our stop light.
walking to 
a&w a thousand times.
going to k-mart to ride the carousel.
because we were never too old.

then we grew up a little and went our 
separate ways. 
to different colleges.
but would see each other 
occasionally on our
 weekends home in o town.

and not one thing changed.
we still laughed til we cried.
stayed up late talking
about boys.
about life.
and our decisions.

then remember  
that one day you fel in love?
i even gave a toast at your wedding.

now we still talk.
about boys.
and decisions.
and we laugh.
over the phone.
or over facebook.
it may not be as often as we used to but
still not one thing has changed.

just know that i love you and thanks for being you.
 my katie sue.
you are beautiful inside and out.
happy birthday 



ashley.warner said...

your video is priceless! you girls are crazy! love it!

Kate and Matt said...

Ashley Shippen!!! I heart you! You are too cute and nice and everything! I love the video too! he he I can't wait to see your face. Thanks! I miss you.


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