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April 29, 2012

Guest Post: Gentri from Gentri Lee

Today's you get to hear from
i was lucky enough to do a photo session and get din din with her before she moved. we had the best time chatting for a few hours. she's about as sweet as they come. 

1. Tell us about you..
Well, My name is Gentri and I blog at Gentri Lee. I'm a 4'8", aspiring esthetician/ aesthetician, dance teacher, adventurer, and blogger. I love foxes, mountains, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think that the small moments are the best moments. So I always document them. I am head over heels in love with blogging and hope to do it more in the future.
This photo was taken by Ashley, herself!

2. why do you blog?
I blog because I love it. I love making friends (not followers), I love sharing my life, I love learning from all the other blogs I read or sharing what I've learned in my life, I love that I know people from all over the world who I would have never met otherwise, and I love being able to be in a place where everyone else enjoys and supports the same things I do. I've been lucky enough to meet a bunch of bloggers in real life and I LOVE it! So if you're ever in my area- let me know!

This is Courtney and I

3. what do you look forward to most this summer?
Well, I will be in school all Summer. Which will be good, because I'll graduate Sept 1st (hopefully). But what I look forward to the most would be the 10 days I get to spend at home with my family. :) Can't. Wait!

This is a little collage of my family.

4.what is something random that you normally don't tell people?
I feel like I'm pretty open on my blog and share a lot more than the average blogger. But one thing I don't think I've shared would be...That I can probably quote most Disney movies word for word. Songs and all. Not only did I grow up watching those and still watch them, but I have a great memory for useless information. haha!

and here's another photo that Ashley took because I don't have a photo that goes with this question. haha!

Thanks Miss Gentri!

1 comment

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

Gentri is so cute :) I love all of these posts!


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