do any of you who have been blogging for a long time remember ash from rock n roll adventures? well she got home from her mission a few days ago and i got to see her last night! it was so fun to see her and catch up on life. those eighteen months flew by so fast for me. ash was actually my very first 'in real life blog friend'. we started to follow each others blogs back in the beginning of 2009. i still remember back then it was odd to meet up with anyone in the blogging world- boy have times changed! we had many great times before her mish and i can't wait to hang out lots before she leaves to byu-i. i am so grateful for her example to me and for her time she spent serving those in houston. and i hope she keeps on a blogging :) i love all of the friendships i have formed through blogging and thankful i have made so many wonderful friends!
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love love!!
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