1.My BedHead shampoo and conditioner is the bomb. I use the self absorbed and moisture maniac. They smell good and keep my hair soft.

2.Johnson's Baby Lotion. I can't stand using any other lotion. Everything sticks to the top of my skin when my baby lotion is such a great moisturizer. Every other brand or smelly lotion makes me itch. I use this several times a day and can't stand going to bed without putting it on.

3.MAC studio fix. Use it. I promise you will never go back. It is very light weight and has a flawless and light coverage. Its my life savior.

4.Clean & Clear dual action moisturizer. It has been with me since eighth grade. LOVE IT. Keeps my face fresh :)

5.CARMEX Use it and become addicted. Can't stand any other brand. I have realized I'm kinda picky..but what can ya do? I'm grateful for this stuff!

6.Very Sexy perfume. What can i say its my signature! :)

7.Aveda Smooth Infusion...Allie got me addicted to smooth infusion. My hair is way dry so I love putting some in when my hair is wet, then more in when I'm styling it.

I shared my list... now what can't you live without?
Ashley your so cute!! I miss you!!! And all your products!!!
ya don't worry that you got me stuck to carmex, clean and clear, & very sexy... you have a lot of influence on others. Lol
Oh, silly Ash. :) you forgot to mention one thing you cant live with out.... ME! Its ok. I will forgive you. Your so cute ash!! love ya!
smooth infusion! love it.
I added you! Now you add me girlfriend! :) LOve you!
High Maintenance?? hehe jk I have my product list I have to use daily too....
Smooth & Sleek shampoo, Clean and Clear face wash, MAC makeup, Versace Bright Crystal, Smooth Infusion, Sap Moss, Lip Glass....wait...maybe I am high maintenance? Oh well, I don't care.
It's tough being so good looking.... :) hehe
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