I chopped my hair off..yup just over nine inches I believe. Allie did an awesome job as usual. Its a fun change! It will take time to get used to but so far so good and I'm loving it. When I cut all my hair off my senior year I cried..but no tears this time around. Things are going well. I feel like my blogs aren't as interesting as they used to be with me not doing as much. Schools going good, I'm still pluggin along and liking my classes. I can't wait to start my program in the fall! Work is great as always! For Valentines night Mom, Dad, and I had steak, shrimp cocktail, and artichoke dip for dinner. Courty and I went shopping and visited my friend Linz from work, then we ended the evening going to Chilis to get some cake and laughing as usual. To top it off Dad gave me some pretty flowers and Mom gave me some candy and cute card. It was a great singles awareness day :) xoxo
Very sexy hair! :) You're so daring, but you're right, sometimes a change is fun and needed! Are you taking any dance classes at school?
Oh my goodness! I remember one Valentines day Uncle Bob gave you flowers and they were in a vase but it was suppossed to look like a ice cream sunday thing, and it had one of those curly crazy straws in it and i was just kidding around and pretended to drink it and you made me laugh so i accidentally breathed in, but my lips were still around the straw so i sucked up water from the vase...haha. oh gosh. I will never forget how bad that taste was.
love love love the hair, Ash. You look so cute!
Yahhh, you're pretty much the hottest lady! I love your hair! It's so darling - your whole essence has changed - in a good way! You're now ready to rock and roll the party planning world with your new hair do! Seriously, Ash!
tee hee!
LOVE your hair! SO CUTE!
OH I LOVE IT!!! You look good with short and long hair, i'm jealous! I cut my hair back in the high school days, and I bawled like a baby!!! You're so brave!
I would LOVE for you to take some pics of Coop when you come down next! I really want some of us as a family...you dow AWESOME work! I love the candid ones..they are my favorite! Also, I love that you're going into event planning. That's part of the reason that I chose the major that I did, because it's been so fun coordinating events in the community! Good choice! :) Let me know when you're coming down next!
hey u cute thang! i LUV your hair. it makes me want to cut mine. dang you :) i love your page and your photography page. i am going to have you take some some day. seriously. sorry i never made it up there for our lunch date. we have been so dang sick lately. i will be up there some time soon. i will text ya and maybe we can go out :)
Your hair looks adorable! I love it!
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